Apitronic Services

Apitronic Services

Apitherapy and bee venom specialists, since 1992 setting standards of excellence for Bee Venom Therapy.



Started in 1997, Pollenergie was by Patrice Percie du Sert, a beekeeper in the southwestern part of France. Their brand of products, Aristee is highly respected for the qualtiy of their products from honeybees.

Beehive Botanicals

Beehive Botanicals

Located in Wisconsin, family-owned business focused on using the raw products from the beehive for numerous consumable and healthy consumer products. 

Glorybee Foods

Glorybee Foods

GloryBee Foods started in the family garage of Dick and Pat Turanski in 1975 with a dream of providing natural, healthy ingredients for the people of their town. Dick describes those early days as "a simple family honey stand, farming honey in the backyard and processing it in the back of the garage--the deep freeze even doubled as the sales counter". Over thirty years later, they're providing the highest quality organic and natural ingredients with the same spirit as those first years of business.

Happy Therapie

Happy Therapie

Part of the Bee Healthy Farms family of beekeepers, Happy Therapie is located in SW France. We offer naturally, wholesome products from honey bees, either raw or transformed into wellness solutions to life's challenges.

Happy Therapie Chez les Abeilles

396 route de l'Ecluse

33660 St Antoine sur l'Isle


+33-98-222-6252 (tel)



Family-owned business from the northern Italy, produces products of Italian propolis such as vaporizers, diffusers, throat sprays, extracts, chewing gum and candy.

Medicata Filia

Medicata Filia

Lithuanian pharmaceutical company of healthy products made by honeybees.



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Propolia, a French brand with expertise in propolis since 1979.


Unveiling the secrets of the hive, they bring you a collection of skincare and wellness products that harness the remarkable benefits of propolis, honey, and other bee-derived treasures.

Trust in their decades-long commitment to quality and tradition for a beauty and well-being ritual that stands the test of time.

Experience the natural excellence of Propolia — where tradition meets modern well-being.




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