June 19, 2018

Recommended by healthcare practioners* worldwide:
*Prof. Henri Joyeux, Cancérologie et Chirurgie Digestive, France
Lillian Ceballos, Docteur en Pharmacie, Chercheur en Ecologie et Biologie, France
Géraldine Dewaurin, Docteur en Ostéopathie, France
Claudette Raynal, Apithérapeute, MTC, France
Prof. Luciano Pecchiai, Chef de Pathologie, Hopital Pediatrique, Italie
Prof. Matteo Bevilacqua, Chef de Physiopathologie Respiratoire, Hopital de Padua, Italie
Dr. Piercarlo Salari, Docteur en Pedioatrique, Italie
Dr. Stefan Stangaciu, Docteur en Medécine, Romanie
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, USA
Dr. Ingrid Kohlstad, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACN, USA
Dr. Donald Dennis, MD, USA
Dr. Dave Ou, MD, USA
Dr. Jodie Dashore, OTD, MS, USA
Dr. Christine Schaffner, Naturopathe, USA
Dr. Eric Blake, MD, USA
Mary Rentschler, M.Ed., USA
Moisés Asís, PhD, USA
Terry Thompson Horn, M.A., USA
Roger Jaynes, D.C., USA
2014, Feb
Propolis Vaporizers sanitize the respiratory tract and helps individuals that suffer from respiratory ailments. Propolis contains volatile essential oils that provide infection protection from the flu and other ORL diseases.
Lilian Ceballos, President of the French Apitherapy & Phytotherapy Association;
PhD Pharmacy, Researcher in Ecology & Biology
Original comment:
Le diffuseur de propolis Propolair Car® permet de diffuser la propolis dans l’habitacle duvéhicule. D’utilisation simple, il se branche sur l’allume-cigare et permet de bénéficier desbienfaits de la propolis dans sa voiture. En effet, la propolis contient des huiles essentiellesvolatiles qui présentent des activités anti-infectieuses utiles en cas de grippes et de pathologiesORL diverses.
De manière pratique, le diffuseur permet de créer une atmosphère agréable dans l’habitacle tout en assainissant les voies respiratoires des passagers : il est donc particulièrement indiqué pour les personnes faisant de longs trajets quotidiens et qui souffrent de pathologies respiratoires diverses.
Lilian Ceballos
Président de l’Association Francophone d’Apithérapie et de Phytothérapie
Docteur en Pharmacie, Chercheur en Ecologie et Biologie
2013, Sept
Thank you for working with me this AM. I truly appreciate it. I own 3 propolis machines and there are 4 more at my office (they are ordered on another name). I have recommended the product to several people. I know that at least 3 of them now use the product - one of them has a machine in every room of her house. One of the people is MCS and uses the organic propolis refills. Thanks again.
Terry H.
Georgia, USA
2013, Jan
I look forward to receiving and using your wonderful products.
I especially appreciate the personal attention you gave me while here in Italy.What outstanding customer service.
Calif, USA
2013, Jan
THANK YOU so much!! You made my day reading your email, how refreshing for a company to do this! I will be sure to pass on information about your wonderful company to all of my friends! :)
2012, Oct
"Thanks, you have some great products!"
Colorado, USA
2012, Sept
I never did get a chance to say thank you so much for your amazing customer service, and wonderful products!!!
I hope to order again soon, and thanks again..
Brenda G
Oregon, USA
Propolis Vaporizer / Diffuser
2013, Sept
Thank you for working with me this AM. I truly appreciate it. I own 3 propolis machines and there are 4 more at my office (they are ordered on another name). I have recommended the product to several people. I know that at least 3 of them now use the product - one of them has a machine in every room of her house. One of the people is MCS and uses the organic propolis refills. Thanks again."
Terry H.; Georgia, USA
2013, April
"I love the vaporizer- it has changed my life- I am now on a roadtrip and I use it in the motel nightly and it has been amazing. So is the propolis nasal spray."
J. Harel, MO USA
2013, April
"My office feels like a different place now. I was nervous about the smell it might give off, but it is truly an indescribable smell. Like a fresh day..."
P. Allen Therapies, MA USA
2012, Sept
"The vaporizers are wonderful. Can you please send one more?"
PK, Calif USA
2012, June
"Am running the Propolair's today - I love the smell..."
Best,Regina, NYC
2011, Dec
"For over 35 years I have been interested in propolis and wrote three books in Spanish on it ("Propolis, A Valuable Bee Product" in 1979, "Propolis, the Purple Gold of Bees" in 1988, 1991 and 2005, and "Cuban Research on Propolis" in 1988), and propolis is a very effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It's antiseptic capacities are effective against numerous bacteria, viruses and fungi.
For the human condition, a propolis vaporizer is the perfect natural solution to aid those with respiratory ailments and protecting and boosting the immune system. Best of all, it is totally complementary with other treatments.
Having a propolis vaporizer in your environment is a very positive addition to any home, office or clinic. I personally prefer the car vaporizer, as propolis is more directly concentrated inside the car and I can breath it while driving everywhere when I have any respiratory problem. But, of course, all vaporizers are effective and I recommend them."
(Moisés Asís, PhD, Apitherapist, Miami, USA)
2011, Nov
"As a family medical practitioner I know my office is exposed to numerous microbes, viruses and even mold daily. I cannot think of a better 24/7 solution to naturally sanitize my office and improve my breathing than with a propolis vaporizer. The importance of the propolis (excellent for the lungs and immune system) is its complementary functionality with other treatments.
From acupuncture to ayurveda and homeopathy to naturopathy, it is a valuable link to any holistic/integrative protocol."
Stefan Stangaciu, MD,
Family Medicine Specialist, Licensed in Acupuncture and Api-Phytotherapy
2011, Sept
Heather Flynn Plude I use propolis in a diffuser... I think I got it from BeeHealthy Farms. Dr. Klinghardt recommends it... can't remember the reference but I feel it helps.
Tuesday at 12:52pm · Like
2011, July
"We are very satisfied with the mold reducing capability of the propolis diffuser that we purchased from you. After using the unit for 3 weeks we turned it off for a day and then re-tested the room and it was virtually mold free. The previous test we had done had produced a petri dish full of 40 or so mold spots of growth which told us we had a problem as reported to us by the testing lab. After using the unit for 3 weeks the next petri dish had only two spots of mold which is far less than even the outside air in New Orleans where we live. Thanks so much for a great product that is also chemical free and 'green' to boot."
Best Regards,
Tim and Sharon Foley
New Orleans, LA
2010, March
"I often do not comment to my suppliers about the products I purchase for my practice but I would love to recommend the Bee Healthy Farms propolis diffusers to everyone.
All of my clients just love the natural benefits that they have experienced from using the Bee Healthy Farms propolis diffusers. Many of my allergy suffering clients have experienced tremendous relief. I have also found that this unit addressed many of their home air pollutants which are contributors to air quality problems.
The units are easy to use and very reliable. The pleasant smell of the propolis that is dispersed from the unit is very soothing. I think every household should have one of these units. I have sold hundreds of these units to my client patients and each has been thrilled with the benefits of this unit."
Thank you Bee Healthy Farms for such an excellent product!
Michael Krizek, LMMT 6304
Hawk Ridge Therapeutic and Medical Massage
Asheville, NC 28803
2009, Oct
"The propolis came a little while ago and I really love having it in my workspace. I see a lot of children in my practice and they often come in with who knows what kind of bugs. You could market it as a wonderful non-invasive anti-flu measure."
Mary Rentschler, M.Ed.
2014, July
Propolia: My entire life, I’ve battled with allergic rhinitis (aka hayfever/allergies). Ragweed, pollen, oak, cats, the whole gambit. As I’ve grown older, my symptoms have calmed down some, but when I am exposed to allergens: sneeze, runny nose, sniffles. Sometimes it’s embarrassing, others it prevents me from working.
I’ve tried a noteworthy number of prescription meds, over the counter preparations, naturopathic remedies, sprays, you name it I’ve tried it.
Propolia nasal spray is to date the very best of any product I’ve ever tried. One spray up each nostril per instructions, and my symptoms went to minimum within 10 minutes. It seems to last from 1-6 hours before I need another dose, if needed at all that day. There’s a little nasal drip after you take the spray, but not objectionable.
I tried it on my four year old son when he had a common cold, and he did not care for getting a spray up his nose, BUT: his non-stop sneeze/sniffle almost completely stopped. Every person’s metabolism and conditions are different, but for me this is the finest product I’ve ever used.
Last, look at the ingredients. There is not a single objectionable ingredient in this formulation. 99.5% organic sourcing.
Bottom line: this is the best product for hayfever/allergies/sniffles/sneezes/rhinitis I’ve ever seen.
By Ellis Richman
2013, Jan
As a side note, we continue to love the propol air capsules and nasal spray. I also, had an amazing healing with the suppositories (after 1 and a half years of trying just about everything).
Melissa, Alaska USA
2011, Sept
"I have very positive feedback from the propolis suppositories and one girl was able to reverse her chronic pre-cancerous cervical dysplasia and is beyond thrilled."
F. Keller, Lic. Acupuncturist (Dipl. NCCA), Chinese Herbs & Nutritional Therapy
2009, Nov
Anyway, cheers to you, we love propolis! Keep up the good work. -Ingrid
Message Or Comments: Last year, I spoke with the gentleman who runs this company while he was in France, though his name is escaping me at the moment. We had a wonderful talk about politics and, well, humanity in general. I think he might remember if he heard I was in Colorado and married to a radio host who had just interviewed Obama at the time we spoke. Anyway, cheers to you, we love propolis! Keep up the good work. -Ingrid
2007, Feb
Dear Apiarists,
I was so glad to find your site, after thinking I had long since seen every propolis related one on the web. It is fun, and you have attempted to make it enriched with many aspects.
I am a huge fan of propolis and have used it since late '70's. I am very excited about the diffusers, and will save up for most versatile model!
Congratulations on a great life's work and wonderful product line.
Kathleen Lundstrom
2006, Dec
Will you please send me 500 tablets of Vegetarian Propolis tablets, 500 mg in bulk bags of 100ct tablets?
You might appreciate to know that my neighbour, whom I supply, cures her dogs and horses with Propolis.
Mr. Wagemakers
The Netherlands
2011, Dec
"I give my boy at least two sticks of honey of yours everyday now. He looks superior than others at least I think.^^ "
Mrs Kim
2011, Dec
"Your honey is aMAZing!"...
F Sussman